Breakthrough for an Alzheimer’s Patient Gives Others A Reason To Persevere

As of this year, it is estimated that as many as 5.1 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. As our population ages, the disease impacts a larger percentage of Americans. The number of people age 65 and older will more than double between 2010 and 2050 to 88.5 million or 20 percent of the population. In addition, […]

Dining Tips for Seniors with Dementia

Seniors with dementia need a lot of assistance, especially around mealtimes. Dementia can lead to reduced food and fluid intake because of decreased recognition of hunger and thirst, weakening perception of smell and taste, problems swallowing, inability to make out dining utensils, loss of physical control and depression. While your loved one may find eating […]

Driving With Seniors: When Is The Right Time To Hand Over The Keys?

Most people remember getting their license and first car as being a wonderful, liberating experience. There is something truly exhilarating about being able to drive wherever you please, essentially, and to not have to rely on other people to get from point A to point B. While the more exciting feelings of driving slowly wane […]

Activities for Dementia Patients: Getting Dressed

If your loved one has dementia, he or she may start forgetting where they have put their keys, or a doctor’s appointment here or there. Later on, they may forget the names of relatives they haven’t seen often or how to drive from the store to their house. Eventually they may forget your name, or […]

Stories From Oxnard Family Circle

At Oxnard Family Circle, our goal is to treat our participants like we would our own family: with compassion and respect, and humor when we are able to. We have many participants who have been attending our program for a substantial amount of time, and our employees are quick to bond with the people they […]

Preventing Caregiver Fatigue with Adult Day Health Care.

If you are a caregiver or know a caregiver, you probably understand how exhausting it can be. Despite the long hours and hard work that caregiving can bring, how frequently do you see caregivers put on a smile and act as though nothing is wrong? Despite how emotionally and physically caregiving can be, how frequently […]

Medication Monitoring and Safety Tips for the Elderly

Sonia is seventy-three years old and lives at home alone. She has trouble sleeping and takes a prescription sedative in the evenings to help battle her restlessness. Sonia tries to live an active lifestyle and enjoys being outdoors and gardening, but her allergies have gotten in the way of her activities. She was prescribed an […]

Financial Dilemmas and A Solution for Caregivers

In America, about 65 million people are caregivers to their parents, family members, and other loved ones. Every day, these individuals work hard to take care of their loved ones and ensure that their life is in the best condition possible. However, many of these caregivers have other jobs or responsibilities, and often times are […]

What is Failure To Thrive?

Failure to Thrive is a concept that is often mentioned in senior care, but many people don’t realize what it is or how to identify and prevent it. As your loved one ages, you may notice a change in their eating habits, a significant amount of weight loss or symptoms of depression. These often fall […]

Keeping Your Loved One Active

As you watch your loved one age, you may notice him or her slowing down a bit – they may be more likely to spend time sitting down, or complain of aching muscles and bones. When we get older, our bodies become more susceptible to deteriorating; this is simply part of life. The motivation to […]

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