Senior Care News

Hydration and Fluid Intake for Seniors: How Dietary Counseling Helps

Dietary Counseling in Camarillo CA
Dietary Counseling in Camarillo CA

Keeping up with hydration is not always easy for seniors to do, especially when they live alone and maybe need a little bit of help. As seniors grow older, they aren’t as able to conserve water in their bodies and their sensation of thirst diminishes. That all leads to dehydration more quickly, and dehydration can lead to much bigger health issues. Dietary counseling at an adult day health care center helps seniors understand all sorts of facts about what their bodies need, including about staying properly hydrated.

Why Hydration Is Important for Older Adults

The body needs water in order to keep it functioning properly. It helps seniors to maintain good digestion, regulate their body temperatures, and improve cognitive function. Hydration also ensures that seniors maintain accurate blood pressure, keeps joints lubricated, and helps muscles to keep moving properly. Seniors can reduce their risk of facing all sorts of issues simply by staying properly hydrated.

Recognizing Dehydration

So what does dehydration look like? In seniors, dehydration doesn’t always look the same as it does in younger people. Seniors might not realize that they’re thirsty, for instance, but they could appear to have a dry mouth, lips, and throat. They might be clearing their throats a lot because of dryness. They could also be expressing that they feel overly tired and don’t have the energy they expect to have. They could also be dizzy, confused, or lightheaded. Seeing any of these signs could indicate dehydration.

Strategies to Promote Proper Hydration

Dietary counseling helps seniors to understand what they could and should be doing in order to stay properly hydrated. Sipping water slowly throughout the day can be a big step forward, for example. But it also helps for seniors to try a variety of hydrating fluids like herbal tea and even hydrating foods, like clear soups, melons, and other fruits. At an adult day health center, seniors have plenty of hydrating options from which to choose.

Making Hydration More Appealing

One of the problems seniors tend to run into is that drinking water just isn’t tasty or fun. Figuring out how to make it more appealing can be a bit tricky, but it’s possible. For some seniors, cold water tastes better. Adding ice or keeping a pitcher of water in the fridge could be the right solution. Sometimes adding a bit of flavor, especially with bits of fruit or mint could be the answer. Adult day care centers can help seniors find what they like and make sure they get what they need and want.

Monitoring Fluid Intake

Another way that dietary counselors at adult day centers help with hydration is by monitoring fluid intake. Keeping track of how much fluids seniors are getting helps everyone involved to be informed about just how well they’re doing staying hydrated. Spotting problems or shortfalls in hydration gives counselors a chance to make recommendations that might help.

Overcoming Barriers to Hydration

There are also barriers to proper hydration that families might need to consider. Mobility can make it more difficult for seniors to get the hydration they need, for example. And seniors with swallowing trouble might need thicker liquids or even hydration gels in order to get water safely. Forgetting to drink fluids is another barrier that needs to be worked around.

Dietary Counseling and How it Helps

Dietary counseling is mostly about educating seniors and their family members about what they need in terms of nutrition, including fluid intake. Counselors can offer seniors customized plans that help to pinpoint their needs and how to meet those needs. They can offer ongoing support as seniors spend more time at the adult day care.

Getting the right amount of hydration is easier with the help of tools like dietary counseling. Adult day health care centers can help seniors and family caregivers in other ways, too, keeping seniors healthier and improving their quality of life.

Oxnard Family Circle: Safe, Reliable, Social and Fun!

If you need respite and/or help with caring for your loved one in any corner of Ventura County, CA (Oxnard, Port Hueneme, Ventura, Camarillo, etc.), talk to the caring staff at Oxnard Family Circle, Inc. today. 1-805-385-4180

Katy Krul

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